You want a Garden, based on a powerful structure and expressive plants? We, de Groenontwerpers of de Heerenhof , would love to create one for you.
Structure and Natural Planting are our signature!
The starting point of creating a garden are you. What do you want to do in your garden and what atmosphere do you want around you? It is like creating a constant changing theatre performance , developing through time.
The other starting points are ,of course, the house and the surrounding area and climat. Our vision of creating a garden means that we look for a balans. The balans between wishes, dreams, money, nature and time, translated in a Heerenhof Garden.
After a first visit we make an inventarisation so we can make you a serious offer. Then, with several in-between steps with scetches, we develop the final design with technical details and a detailed planting-plan. We love to keep an eye on your developing garden with a regular visit to give some advice ore adjustments